Filed Under (Events, Read!, Students, Teachers) by e10267 on 30-03-2012

Library classes will celebrate National Poetry Month by putting a poem in our pocket to share on National Poem in Your Pocket Day on Thursday, April 26, 2012. Classes will selet a poem they love, and then carry it in their pocket to share with family and friends.

Welcome to our Library!  We loved getting your letters in the mail, learning what kind of books you like to read, and that you care about the environment!  Look for our postcards in your mail soon.



Excitment at the Check Out Counter.



The Hunger Games just came out at movie theaters.  It was based on the book by Suzanne Collins.  What books have you read and then went to see the movie?  Did you like one better than the other? Why?  Leave your comment, and the name of the book/movie, and get a chance to win a pick out of the prize bin.  P.S. See the link: Based on the Book to check out other books that have inspired movies.

Filed Under (podcasts, Students) by e10267 on 10-02-2012

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